
2021年7月14日~July 14, 2021


- stage -


  The size of the vertigo is determined by the position of the focused subject, the background, and the camera. The larger the ratio of the distance between the subject and the background to the distance between the subject and the camera, the larger the amount of vertigo, and the smaller the ratio, the smaller the amount of vertigo. Generally speaking, the 180mm macro has more vertigo than the 90mm macro, but the 90mm macro has more vertigo than the 180mm macro at the minimum focus distance. Since the minimum focus distance is shorter with the 90mm macro, the distance between the subject and the camera can be smaller, and as a result, the ratio of the distance between the subject and the background becomes larger, which may result in more vertigo than with the 180mm macro. It seems that you can calculate the size of the vertigo by using a complicated formula. This picture was taken using a 90mm lens with a 31mm extension tube.

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2024年12月21日~Dec 21, 2024

- Imagine - 今日は朝から雲がちな天気。 日差しのない寒い日になりました。 こういうときはシャボン玉で遊ぶに限ります。 いつもは透明や色のついたグラスにシャボンの泡を作るのですが、試しに黒のプラスチック容器に作ることにしました。 周りが黒くなることで背景のコントラストが...