
2021年2月12日~Feb 12, 2021

- Ennui afternoon -


 The third point to master a monopod "Slightly higher (longer)"
    Before mounting the camera on the free head and starting shooting, lock the camera so that it does not move, check the subject and angle, and adjust the length of the monopod. At this time, it is the point to make it a little longer (some centimeters).
This is because the height can be adjusted without shortening the legs by tilting the monopod. You can also do this without taking your eyes off the viewfinder. If the height is not enough, you have no choice but to stretch the monopod leg, take your eyes off the finder, and lock the free head. .. .. It's quite annoying. In the meantime, you may miss a photo opportunity.

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2024年5月6日~May 6, 2024

  - アダージョ - 今日は朝から今にも降り出しそうな曇天になりました。 こういう日は普通に花撮り日和。 中間リングを外して、今が盛んな薔薇を撮りに。 開きかけた蕾を主題に、咲いた花を前ボケにつかって撮影。 前ボケの霞の中に溶けていくような感じになるようボケの位置を調整して一枚...