
2021年5月29日~May 29, 2021


- Galactic Railway -


     It's a sunny day in the rainy season. When you see glittering threads among the grass and trees, it's a good time to take a picture. Find a place where the background is as dark as possible while looking for an angle where the glow appears from the opposite direction. When the wind blows, the light may or may not shine strongly, but you can gradually improve your composition by taking a series of shots. It is the important point to choose where to focus. Since beautiful colors appear in the blurred areas, decide where to focus while maintaining the balance. After taking the pictures, I select the one that best fits my image from the dozens of pictures I took in succession and develop it. The spider silk glows strongly in direct sunlight, so negative exposure compensation seems to work better.

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2024年5月5日~May 5, 2024

  - 熱情 - ガーベラの花をやや下側から狙ってみました。 カメラ側に向いている花弁は日差しを反射せず、他の花弁によって反射する日差しが強いので、その違いでコントラストが生まれました。 ピントは影の部分に合わせ、光っている花弁をぼかすことで炎のような造形になりました。 【撮影デ...