
2021年7月1日~July 1, 2021


- Memories -


    The second half of 2021 started off rainy, and I had to take advantage of the rainy intervals. There was a beautiful row of water droplets on a long, thin leaf like a bamboo, so I tried to capture it vertically. In this kind of situation, it is always difficult to decide where to focus (on which water droplets). When in doubt, it's best to take a series of shots with different focus positions and then choose the one that looks best. In most cases, I seem to like the one in the foreground the best. So, I focused on the very small polka dot in the foreground.

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2024年12月21日~Dec 21, 2024

- Imagine - 今日は朝から雲がちな天気。 日差しのない寒い日になりました。 こういうときはシャボン玉で遊ぶに限ります。 いつもは透明や色のついたグラスにシャボンの泡を作るのですが、試しに黒のプラスチック容器に作ることにしました。 周りが黒くなることで背景のコントラストが...