
2021年8月31日~Aug 31, 2021


- space travel -


    Today, I took out my 180mm macro lens for the first time in a while and tried to capture a spider thread floating among the sunflower leaves. 180mm lens has the same magnification as 90mm at the minimum focus distance. The 180mm lens has the same magnification at the minimum focus distance as the 90mm lens, but the field of view is not as wide as with the 90mm lens, allowing you to enjoy a large amount of vertigo when you move away from your subject. Of course, it is also possible to get close and shoot at maximum magnification, but the drawback is that it is heavy (about twice as heavy as the 90mm).

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2024年5月5日~May 5, 2024

  - 熱情 - ガーベラの花をやや下側から狙ってみました。 カメラ側に向いている花弁は日差しを反射せず、他の花弁によって反射する日差しが強いので、その違いでコントラストが生まれました。 ピントは影の部分に合わせ、光っている花弁をぼかすことで炎のような造形になりました。 【撮影デ...