
2021年8月5日~Aug 5, 2021


- something hidden -


    The hot days continue. I mainly shoot in the cooler morning hours, but I wear long sleeves and long pants to protect myself from insects and sunburn. When the sun is shining, I am drenched in sweat after about 30 minutes of shooting. It was too much work, so I bought what is called an air-conditioning suit. There were cool sporty vest-type clothes, but since we were going into the bushes for the shoot, we chose long-sleeved work clothes that looked durable. It's comfortable. I like that it doesn't take away my concentration. The air volume can be adjusted, so it will last a long time.

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2024年5月5日~May 5, 2024

  - 熱情 - ガーベラの花をやや下側から狙ってみました。 カメラ側に向いている花弁は日差しを反射せず、他の花弁によって反射する日差しが強いので、その違いでコントラストが生まれました。 ピントは影の部分に合わせ、光っている花弁をぼかすことで炎のような造形になりました。 【撮影デ...