
2021年10月8日~Oct 8, 2021


- on the end day of summer -

Lens = TAMRON SP 180mm F/3.5 MACRO + Extension Tube on Monopod
Shutter Speed = 1/1000 sec, ISO = 400, AE = -1.00, 
Color temperature = 4300K


    It's still hot in August, but the morning glory season seems to be over. There are only a few small flowers here and there. Here is a shot of a small flower with an impressive blue color, blooming in the shade of leaves. The sun shone through the leaves from time to time, and I snapped the shutter to capture the moment when the flower seemed to be glowing. I compensated for the negative exposure and lowered the color temperature to express the blue. By the way, I hope summer will end soon and autumn will come.

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2024年5月3日~May 3, 2024

  - オセロ - デジタルの時代、写真はカメラを操作して撮り、データを調整(RAW現像)して出来上がります。 カメラの操作は芸術性とは無関係ですが、操作が身についていないと、瞬時に対応ができずシャッターチャンスを逃すことも。 ファインダーから目を離すことなく、絞り、ISO感度、...