
2021年2月25日~Feb 25, 2021


- light planet -


    It was cold and icy again this morning. The ice was a little thick. It was hard to get the colors right. I used slanted backlighting to capture the light reflecting off the ice through the PL filter.
    Here is a summary of how to use light.
    The basic rule is "direct light". This will give you a picture with good light all around. However, be careful because the picture tends to be flat.
 For subjects that let light penetrate, such as flowers, backlighting is recommended. For subjects that do not transmit light, consider using a reflector or flash to compensate for the amount of light.
    "Slant light" allows you to capture a three-dimensional image of the subject.


     When taking pictures of flowers, you may not be able to go around the backlighting side because some places are off-limits. In this case, by casting your shadow over part or all of the subject, you can take interesting pictures. The exposure should be set to the shaded area.

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2024年12月21日~Dec 21, 2024

- Imagine - 今日は朝から雲がちな天気。 日差しのない寒い日になりました。 こういうときはシャボン玉で遊ぶに限ります。 いつもは透明や色のついたグラスにシャボンの泡を作るのですが、試しに黒のプラスチック容器に作ることにしました。 周りが黒くなることで背景のコントラストが...