
2021年2月24日~Feb 24, 2021


- field of view -


    This is a shot of a ball-shaped colander made of netting, captured with slant light. Today's theme is slant light.


    In both direct and backlighting, the sun, subject, and camera were in a straight line. In slant light, the camera is off to the side and positioned to receive the sun's rays from the left or right. It takes advantage of the light when the sun is low in the sky after sunrise or before sunset.


    In the case of the subject that does not allow light to penetrate, its shadows can add just the right amount of accent, creating a sense of three-dimensionality and texture to the subject.


    Even in the case of the subject that allows light to penetrate, the key to creating a picture is to create shadows. However, in the case of flowers, I rarely use slant light because the shadows often get in the way and the colors are duller than using backlighting.

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2024年5月6日~May 6, 2024

  - アダージョ - 今日は朝から今にも降り出しそうな曇天になりました。 こういう日は普通に花撮り日和。 中間リングを外して、今が盛んな薔薇を撮りに。 開きかけた蕾を主題に、咲いた花を前ボケにつかって撮影。 前ボケの霞の中に溶けていくような感じになるようボケの位置を調整して一枚...