
2021年2月9日~Feb 9, 2021

- floating -


    Macro photography is basically handheld, but it is extremely difficult to take a picture without blurring in an unreasonable position with a lens and camera of nearly 2 kg. You can use a tripod to completely suppress blurring, but a tripod that is inflexible in macro photography, where the picture changes by moving only 1 cm, is an obstacle. That's why I'm using a monopod. It doesn't take up much space and has freedom of movement. Since it can be used in places where a tripod cannot be set up, it is often used for purposes other than macro photography. However, it requires some tips to use it. I would like to write the tips in several parts.

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2024年5月6日~May 6, 2024

  - アダージョ - 今日は朝から今にも降り出しそうな曇天になりました。 こういう日は普通に花撮り日和。 中間リングを外して、今が盛んな薔薇を撮りに。 開きかけた蕾を主題に、咲いた花を前ボケにつかって撮影。 前ボケの霞の中に溶けていくような感じになるようボケの位置を調整して一枚...