
2021年6月8日~June 8, 2021


- space medusa -


    Today was forecast to be a sunny day, so I rushed off to the forest park to hunt for spider webs. There were many spider webs in the park because it is a park that has not been touched by many people. I don't see spider webs in parks where too much care has been taken, like when they spray pesticides. The first thing to do when photographing spider webs is to look for spider webs that are directly exposed to the sun. You can easily find them because they are shiny. Point the camera in a direction where the background is dark and the light is strongly reflected. Compensate for the negative exposure (about -2, depending on the exposure mode). The color will appear in the hazy area, so decide where to focus the camera and take a series of pictures. It's like taking a series of pictures while shifting the focus. When the wind blows and the spider's web wavers, you can get unexpected shapes.

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2024年4月30日~Apl 30, 2024

  - 静寂な詩(うた)- 花車というガーベラの花が咲き始めました。 時折、雨が降る不安定な天候でしたが、ガーベラの蕊には小さな水玉が。 その水玉を主役に一枚まとめてみました。 赤い花なので、露出をマイナス補正してその赤を活かしました。 【撮影データ】 TAMRON SP 180...