
2021年8月9日~Aug 9, 2021


- bright wings -


    Today, as the typhoon was approaching, the wind was strong from this morning. Wind is a great enemy for macro photography. Anyway, the subject doesn't fit in the viewfinder, so you can' t frame the shot. If you can' t frame the subject, you can' t focus on it, so you have no choice but to give up. However, unless the weather is very bad, the wind is not blowing all the time. There is always a moment when the wind stops, so you can try to capture that moment and release the shutter. The framing and focus will be a little weak, but the framing will be cropped during development to improve accuracy. It's worth persevering because the wind can play tricks on you and you can get some unexpectedly interesting shots.

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2024年12月21日~Dec 21, 2024

- Imagine - 今日は朝から雲がちな天気。 日差しのない寒い日になりました。 こういうときはシャボン玉で遊ぶに限ります。 いつもは透明や色のついたグラスにシャボンの泡を作るのですが、試しに黒のプラスチック容器に作ることにしました。 周りが黒くなることで背景のコントラストが...