
2021年9月11日~Sep 11, 2021


- breath -


    It was a rainy day today, a change from yesterday. There was not enough light, so I used a 90mm macro without an extension tube. In such a situation, you need to be careful not to cause camera shake or subject blur due to low shutter speed caused by insufficient sensitivity. In particular, mirrorless cameras emulate exposure, so it's hard to notice that it's getting darker.

 I was struck by the many pink morning glories in bloom, so I took this shot of the pink. Flowers of the same color were placed in front and behind as a sort of halo, and the exposure was also corrected positively to express a fluffy atmosphere.

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2024年5月7日~May 7, 2024

  - 羽ばたき - 朝から強い雨。 屋外での撮影は諦めて、頂いた鉢植えがあったのでそれをお題にする。 薄くピンクかかった白ベースのセッコクの花です。 窓際に持っていって自然光で撮影するも、流石に光量が足りないのでLEDライトで足すことに。 意外と花に影ができるので、LEDライト...