
2021年9月22日~Sep 22, 2021


- spectral fire -


    Today's sky was basically cloudy, although the sun shone through the clouds when I forgot about it, so I decided to use a 90mm macro lens with an extension tube. I always set the color temperature to Auto, but it seems to be set strangely when the amount of light is low. This image is no different. The original color of this flower was reddish-purple to pink, but with the color temperature lowered, it became bluish. The interesting thing about mirrorless cameras is that they emulate the results of shooting in the viewfinder. So if you change the color temperature setting, the image in the viewfinder will also change. I clicked the shutter just as the image changed from reddish purple to pale blue.

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2024年5月7日~May 7, 2024

  - 羽ばたき - 朝から強い雨。 屋外での撮影は諦めて、頂いた鉢植えがあったのでそれをお題にする。 薄くピンクかかった白ベースのセッコクの花です。 窓際に持っていって自然光で撮影するも、流石に光量が足りないのでLEDライトで足すことに。 意外と花に影ができるので、LEDライト...