
2021年9月24日~Sep 24, 2021


- chaos -


    A combination of a 180mm macro and an extension tube. This is a shot of my usual houseplant from the backlit side. Small objects that are not clearly visible to the naked eye are the subjects of macro photography, so I often look through the viewfinder to find them. In the days of digital SLR cameras, I would release the shutter once and then display the image on the monitor on the back of the camera, checking the exposure and framing on the monitor as I created the image. Since I had to take my eyes off the viewfinder, I would sometimes lose sight of the subject. There were also times when the light would change while I was checking the monitor. Mirrorless cameras are very efficient because they emulate exposure, so you can focus on creating a picture without taking your eyes off the viewfinder. Adjusting exposure compensation and ISO sensitivity requires some blind touches, but with a little practice, you will be able to do it.

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2024年5月7日~May 7, 2024

  - 羽ばたき - 朝から強い雨。 屋外での撮影は諦めて、頂いた鉢植えがあったのでそれをお題にする。 薄くピンクかかった白ベースのセッコクの花です。 窓際に持っていって自然光で撮影するも、流石に光量が足りないのでLEDライトで足すことに。 意外と花に影ができるので、LEDライト...