
2021年10月1日~Oct 1, 2021


- red and black -

Lens = TAMRON SP AF90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 on Hand
Shutter Speed = 1/500 sec, ISO = 400, AE = -1.00, 
Color temperature = 4200 K


    Believing the forecast to be sunny this afternoon, I went to the nearby green park. My target was the cosmos, but they were still only blooming here and there. Besides, there was no sunshine and the wind was strong due to the typhoon, the worst situation for macro photographers. A bright red hibiscus was in bloom, so I snapped this shot. The exposure was adjusted to negative because the red color looks better when it is not too bright. The wind caused the petals to roll up, and I was able to capture some interesting shapes. However, I couldn't frame the shot because it was shaking. In such cases, I hold the camera with my right hand and support the subject with my left hand to prevent it from shaking. This is possible because the 90mm macro is light and has a short shooting distance.

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2024年5月3日~May 3, 2024

  - オセロ - デジタルの時代、写真はカメラを操作して撮り、データを調整(RAW現像)して出来上がります。 カメラの操作は芸術性とは無関係ですが、操作が身についていないと、瞬時に対応ができずシャッターチャンスを逃すことも。 ファインダーから目を離すことなく、絞り、ISO感度、...