
2021/09/30~Sep 30, 2021


- profound -

Lens = TAMRON SP 180mm F/3.5 MACRO + Extension Tube on Monopod
Shutter Speed = 1/800 sec, ISO = 400, AE = +/-0,
Color temperature = 3350 K


    A cosmos bud in the middle of flowering, photographed from the side. The color temperature was set to Auto. I released the shutter just as the color temperature dropped, dragged down by the color of the flower (deep pink). I set the metering mode to highlight intensive in order to suppress color saturation, because color saturation would cause color tone loss even in RAW. The sun was shining softly through the thin clouds, but the petals seemed to be highly reflective, and the background fell dark, creating a profound atmosphere.

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2024年5月7日~May 7, 2024

  - 羽ばたき - 朝から強い雨。 屋外での撮影は諦めて、頂いた鉢植えがあったのでそれをお題にする。 薄くピンクかかった白ベースのセッコクの花です。 窓際に持っていって自然光で撮影するも、流石に光量が足りないのでLEDライトで足すことに。 意外と花に影ができるので、LEDライト...