
2021年9月29日~Sep 29, 2021

- cosmos -

Lens = TAMRON SP 180mm F/3.5 MACRO + Extension Tube on Monopod
Shutter Speed = 1/1000 sec, ISO = 200, AE = 1.00, 
Color temperature = 5450 K


     The cosmos in my garden has started to bloom. First, let's start with a classic shot.  I adjusted the exposure to positive to bring out the clear peach color. Cosmos are very susceptible to wind because the large flowers bloom at the end of thin stems, and even the slightest breeze can cause them to sway and go out of the viewfinder. So, the shutter speed of 1/1000 second was chosen to avoid blurring the subject. I focused on the stamen, which is also a standard focus point. Rather than focusing on the stamen, I used manual focus and took a series of pictures when the stamen came into the focus area.


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2024年5月7日~May 7, 2024

  - 羽ばたき - 朝から強い雨。 屋外での撮影は諦めて、頂いた鉢植えがあったのでそれをお題にする。 薄くピンクかかった白ベースのセッコクの花です。 窓際に持っていって自然光で撮影するも、流石に光量が足りないのでLEDライトで足すことに。 意外と花に影ができるので、LEDライト...