
2022年3月16日~March 16, 2022


- A phantom in a dream -

TAMRON SP 180mm F/3.5 MACRO using 31mm Extension Tube on monopod
Shutter Speed = 1/640 sec, ISO = 800, AE = +/-0, 
Color temperature = 3300K


Today I went to the greenhouse at Green Park, a 10-minute drive away, for awhile.
The purpose of my visit was to take pictures of a species called aichiaca.
It is a succulent plant that is used to make tequila.
The Aitiaca is a horticultural species, a houseplant with fluorescent red and crimson colors.
This red color glows beautifully when the sun shines through it, so I often go out to take pictures on sunny days.
The surface of the leaves is probably covered with fine hairs, and the light reflected off the leaves emits colors other than red when the sun shines through them.
I try to combine the red of the leaves and the color of this vertigo to create a good picture.
In this image, I used the leaves growing toward the camera as a vertigo and shot the side of the leaf behind it that was exposed to the sun.

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2024年5月5日~May 5, 2024

  - 熱情 - ガーベラの花をやや下側から狙ってみました。 カメラ側に向いている花弁は日差しを反射せず、他の花弁によって反射する日差しが強いので、その違いでコントラストが生まれました。 ピントは影の部分に合わせ、光っている花弁をぼかすことで炎のような造形になりました。 【撮影デ...