2021年10月31日~Oct 31, 2021
2021年10月30日~Oct 30, 2021
2021年10月29日~Oct 29, 2021
2021年10月28日~Oct 28, 2021
2021年10月27日〜Oct 27, 2021
2021年10月26日~Oct 26, 2021
2021年10月25日~Oct 25, 2021
2021年10月24日~Oct 24, 2021
2021年10月23日~Oct 23, 2021
2021年10月22日~Oct 22, 2021
The forecast calls for rain this evening.
I hurriedly planted daffodil bulbs.
Now I should be able to enjoy daffodil flowers again next year.
Even though it was supposed to rain, the sun was shining through the clouds.
It was still warm when there was sunshine.
I took this picture of the lily leaves that were beginning to turn color when the sun was shining slightly.
2021年10月21日~Oct 21, 2021
It has been the coldest day of this season. It's so cold that I can't believe I was wearing short sleeves until last week. There is no sunshine, blocked by thin clouds. On the contrary, I took advantage of the soft light in this shot. I adjusted the exposure as much as I could to negative and lowered the color temperature to produce an image of a moonlit night. I took this shot to take advantage of the fact that in low light conditions, negative exposure compensation and increased contrast will bring out only the brightest colors.
2021年10月20日〜Oct 20, 2021
I used a white cosmos with a reddish-purple border as a motif, and shot it from the backlit side, focusing on one of its stamens. I used the fact that the white part of the cosmos appears to shine when it is dazed to express a flame. I lowered the color temperature a little to emphasize the fact that it was a flame. I placed the petals right next to the stamen at an angle and focused on them to express the powerful movement of the flame.
2021年10月19日〜Oct 19, 2021
The gradation of the colors was beautiful, so I took this picture of the leaf of the giboushi that was beginning to change color. This year, the weather has cooled down drastically, so it is going to be a beautiful season for autumn leaves. As the number of flowers will decrease in the coming season, I'm thinking of using these autumn leaves as a motif.
2021年10月18日~Oct 18, 2021
It was a lightly cloudy morning, and it was so cold that it reminded us of winter. It was summer-like heat until yesterday. The rapid climate change is a characteristic of global warming, which is caused by the global movement of cold air from the poles to the south and hot air from the equator to the north due to the energy of global warming. On mornings when it was suddenly cold, we could see a lot of morning dew, but it didn't seem to be that cold. This is a shot of the pale pink cosmos in profile, taken from the backlit side. As usual, I aimed for the moment when the auto color temperature setting swung to blue and released the shutter. The soft sunlight reflected in the image, creating an atmosphere of shining vertigo.
2021年10月17日~Oct 17, 2021
Today was cloudy with occasional small rain showers and little light, so I chose the 90mm macro lens. While photographing gerbera flowers, I found some interestingly shaped leaves, so I put one image. I compensated the exposure to the minus side to make the background clearer. It seemed to have fine laying hairs, and the weakly lit area was softly dimmed to white as if covered with mist. I lowered the color temperature a bit to bring out the blues and emphasize the greens.
2021年10月16日~Oct 16, 2021
I tried again to photograph the leaves of the dogwood trees that were beginning to turn color. When I aimed at them from the backlit side, the colorful leaves became transparent and emitted pastel colors. Focusing on the part of the leaf that reflected the light strongly, I placed another leaf in the foreground (i.e., foreground vertigo). I minus-corrected the exposure because the part of the image that reflected the light was too bright.
2021年10月15日~Oct 15, 2021
A shot of a dark reddish-purple cosmos flower, photographed from backlight. The vertigo of the petals in the sun was beautiful, so I tried to put it together as the main focus. When shooting flowers, it is important to focus on the stamen. In this case, the stamens were too strong and the petals were not well exposed, so I focused on the tips of the petals in the foreground where the sun was not shining. When you focus on an area that is not in the sun, the vertigo of the sunlit area will be more beautiful, and the image will look as if it is emitting light. The contrast between the reddish-purple and yellow colors emphasized the vertigo of the flower petals. In order to keep the background simple, I used a negative exposure compensation to make it darker.
2021年10月14日~Oct 14, 2021
The pink gerbera (?) flowers are in full bloom right now. The yellow stamens stand out against the pink petals. As usual, I stacked the two flowers in front of each other and dimmed the one in front to emphasize the brightness. I lowered the color temperature because backlighting tends to make the pink a little reddish. The hairs on the stems shine beautifully in the backlighting, and I think it would make a great picture by itself.
2021年10月13日~Oct 13, 2021
It was forecast to rain all day today. When I took my camera out in the rain, the sun was shining slightly. The stems of the cosmos are thin, and many small raindrops are on them. This is a close-up of one of them. The exposure was corrected to a positive value to produce the feeling of a flower field of cosmos, and the sunshine added to the circular vertigo of the raindrops to create a nice atmosphere.
2021年10月12日~Oct 12, 2021
The days are still hot, but autumn seems to be here. The leaves of the dogwood trees have begun to change color. I photographed the colorful and striking parts of the dogwood leaves in a high-key style to create the image of a soft autumn day.
2021年10月11日~Oct 11, 2021
The stalks of the cosmos are also nice and crisp. The weather was cloudy again today, so I removed the extension tube. The flower in the foreground was almost over, but it was still useful once it was vertically aligned. The large circle of vertigo is the sunlight reflected off the body of the car. It made a nice accent. I did not correct the exposure at the time of shooting, but added it during the RAW development process to make the image high-key.
2021年10月10日~Oct 10, 2021
Today's weather was lightly cloudy. I took this picture without the extension tube because it would be one stop darker using the tube. I tried to make the best use of the soft light to match the weather. This is a shot of cosmos flowers stacked in front of and behind each other, with the back flower in focus. In order to reproduce the pink color of the cosmos, I lowered the color temperature slightly from the daylight (5500K) measured by the sensor.
2021年10月9日~Oct 9, 2021
The petals seem to be surprisingly thick, and even when backlit, the light doesn't seem to penetrate very far. The yellow also looks good against the black, so I adjusted the exposure to negative and darkened the background. The yellow had a reddish tinge, probably due to the low altitude sunlight, so I lowered the color temperature. I added a vertigo of the same flower in the background to give a sense of the setting sun.
2021年10月8日~Oct 8, 2021
It's still hot in August, but the morning glory season seems to be over. There are only a few small flowers here and there. Here is a shot of a small flower with an impressive blue color, blooming in the shade of leaves. The sun shone through the leaves from time to time, and I snapped the shutter to capture the moment when the flower seemed to be glowing. I compensated for the negative exposure and lowered the color temperature to express the blue. By the way, I hope summer will end soon and autumn will come.
2021年10月7日~Oct 7, 2021
A close-up of the bottom of a cosmos flower (the underside of the flower near the base of the petals). The weather was cloudy, so the sun shone in and out of the sky. While watching the scene change through the viewfinder, I aimed for the moment when the sunlight was hidden by light clouds and released the shutter to create a soft expression. This photo was taken from the backlit side. The light shining through the thin cosmos petals was beautiful. To emphasize the peach color, the exposure was adjusted to positive and the color temperature was lowered.
2021年10月6日〜Oct 6, 2021
2021年10月5日~Oct 5, 2021
I now see here and there the threads used by spiders when they migrate. Do they move at night? It seems that many of the threads are relatively new, and they shine very brightly. I found some spider strings among the leaves of the sasancha flowers, so I took this photo from the backlit side. I checked the position of the spider string in relation to the circular vertigo in the background, and released the shutter just as they were fluttering in the wind and forming an arc. I compensated for the negative exposure so that the circular vertigo would not be blown out. The color temperature was adjusted to a low level to reduce the green of the sanshahana leaves.
2021年10月4日~Oct 4, 2021
The Euryops daisy has started to bloom again. This is a shot of the bud through the flower. The yellow color looks better against a black background, so I took this shot from the backlit side to darken the background and compensated for the negative exposure. The color temperature was set low when developing the RAW to eliminate the reddish tint of the flower and highlight the yellow.
2021年10月1日~Oct 1, 2021
Believing the forecast to be sunny this afternoon, I went to the nearby green park. My target was the cosmos, but they were still only blooming here and there. Besides, there was no sunshine and the wind was strong due to the typhoon, the worst situation for macro photographers. A bright red hibiscus was in bloom, so I snapped this shot. The exposure was adjusted to negative because the red color looks better when it is not too bright. The wind caused the petals to roll up, and I was able to capture some interesting shapes. However, I couldn't frame the shot because it was shaking. In such cases, I hold the camera with my right hand and support the subject with my left hand to prevent it from shaking. This is possible because the 90mm macro is light and has a short shooting distance.
2024年12月21日~Dec 21, 2024
- Imagine - 今日は朝から雲がちな天気。 日差しのない寒い日になりました。 こういうときはシャボン玉で遊ぶに限ります。 いつもは透明や色のついたグラスにシャボンの泡を作るのですが、試しに黒のプラスチック容器に作ることにしました。 周りが黒くなることで背景のコントラストが...
- 苦悶 - この子の存在を忘れておりました。 そろそろ撮るものがなくなってきたなぁ、と思っていたところ。 車で十数分の公園にある温室にいます。 ちょうど、古い葉から新しい葉に生え代わる時期だったようで、鮮やかな紅色をした若い葉っぱが植物の中央に出てきていました。 日差しに透...
- Light Wave - 今日はそこそこのお天気の日曜日。 でも、日曜日っって休日、というほど客足は伸びない一日に。 来客数は30名でした。 本作品のモチーフは手水鉢の水面です。 手水鉢に落ちる水が作る波紋を捉えたものです。 前回は、初めての個展ということもあって、借用したギ...
明けましておめでとうございます 昨年は新型コロナウィルスが猛威をふるい、新しい生活様式を迫られた一年になりました。そのまま新しい年を迎えることになりましたが、ワクチンが効果を発揮しコロナ禍が終息していくことを願うばかりです。 初日の出に輝くナンテンの実を撮ってみました。ナンテ...